#Mass effect 3 pc dlc unlocker archive#
M-15 Vindicator: In the Priority: Mars mission, just before entering the Archive chamber, you will see a small security room just off the main hallway.M-8 Avenger: Acquired during the Prologue.M-12 Locust: In the Priority: Horizon mission, it is found on the right side of the early lab.M-25 Hornet: In the Priority: Citadel mission, it is found after entering a new area and taking an elevator up look on the right side for a few items, including this weapon.M-9 Tempest: In the Tuchanka: Turian Platoon mission, it is found on the ground after defeating a set of unaware Husks and climbing a ladder up, deeper into the caves.Pick up this weapon before activating the security console. M-4 Shuriken: In the Priority: Mars mission, it is found inside a lobby security room where Liara works at a computer.M-11 Wraith: It can be purchased from Spectre Requisitions terminal in the Spectre Office at the Citadel for 250,000 credits.Kill the enemies, then search right of the area's entrance to find this weapon. Geth Plasma Shotgun: In the Priority: Rannoch mission, enter the large combat area with the Geth on a balcony.Disciple: In the Lesuss: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery mission, it is found after discovering the lone Asari, and entering a combat room filled with Cannibals and a shield generator.Graal Spike Thrower: In the Priority: Tuchanka mission, it is found near a guard waiting by the railing just as the mission begins.M-300 Claymore: In the Attican Traverse: Krogan Team mission, it is found in the abandoned camp in the left building just as you enter.M-22 Eviscerator: In the Grissom Academy: Investigation mission, it is found on a red couch after saving the first student.M-27 Scimitar: In the Priority: Palaven mission, it is found in the main Turian camp on the ground as you exit for your first objective.M-23 Katana shotgun location : In the Priority: Mars mission, it will be given as a starting weapon.M-77 Paladin: It can be purchased from Spectre Requisitions terminal in the Spectre Office at the Citadel for 200,000 credits.Arc Pistol: In the Priority: Geth Dreadnought mission, it will be given to Shepard by Tali.M-6 Carnifex pistol location : In the Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists side-mission, it is located on a pipe in the red-bathed maintenance hallway before taking the ladder up.Go back and release the door to locate the pistol close to some other weapons. keep on down the only path forward to discover a computer console that will unlock the office door. M-358 Talon weapon : In the Priority: Citadel mission, while in C-Sec HQ, you will come into a dark hallway with four offices.M-5 Phalanx: In the Priority: Tuchanka mission, it is located on the ground, up the steps leading to the long stretch where the Reaper begins firing its laser at your team.After re turning on the power, look for the weapon before turning on the elevator. Scorpion pistol location : it is In the Priority: Sur'Kesh mission, it is located on the floor where Mordin requires you to reactivate the elevator power source.M3 Predator pistol: this is the First weapon in ME3 acquired during the Prologue.

Mass effect 3 weapon locationsmass effect 3 Pistols locations